Amity Health is a not-for-profit organisation, providing country people with the best possible access to health services.

We work in partnership with government and non-government agencies, and health and service providers to offer services support, advocacy, leadership and coordination in the delivery and promotion of primary health care in the Great Southern, Midwest, South-East Coastal Goldfields, South West and Wheatbelt regions.

We provide a range of funded programs, as we are able to respond flexibly to the needs of our rural and remote communities.  Because of this, the scope and number of programs change and develop as the needs within our communities arise.

Our Allied Health services offer people living in Albany and surrounds, access to Dietitians, Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Diabetes Educators, Art Therapist, Chronic Pain counsellor and Psychologist.

We work hand-in-hand with your doctor and other health professionals to ensure a holistic, partnership approach to support you and your health care journey.

We are also proud to support and host a range of visiting specialists to our clinic rooms in Albany.